Are the events of January 6, 2021 going to receive the public hearing and exposure of leftist propaganda that they deserve?
The pathetic Biden Administration has called the “insurrection” of January 6, 2020 one of the most subversive and dangerous political events in American history.
For once he is absolutely right, but only for reasons that point out the very dangerous hypocracy of so-called progressive leadership and leftist lamestream media calls for the suppression of free speech, the identification, isolation and lockdown of anyone that question government mandates, and the creation of a whole new class of political prisoners that should be correctly called traditional American conservatives but are instead labeled by the radical Marxists now in control as “right wing extremists”.
January 6, 2021 was truly a watershed event of epic proportions. It marked the final transition to an America that no longer tolerates dissent or the right for law abiding citizens to question something as important as wholesale election fraud.
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Guest: David Sumrall – created StopHate in 1992 as a result of the L.A. Riots to bridge the divide and bring peace and healing, through educating people of the division supported by the media, with a focus on communication and community.
Guest: Wiliam F. Jasper – Over the past three decades, William Jasper has researched and written extensively on foreign and domestic politics, national security, education, immigration, constitutional issues, the culture war, and most notably, the United Nations.
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Most Americans have shown that they will tolerate any violation of liberty for fear of being identified as a subversive and becoming one of a whole new class of political prisoners that are making the new “Amerika”, along with Communist China, the most politically suppressed and controlled societies in the world.
The anti-mandate Trucker Convoys in Canada and the ensuing expose' of the tyrannical government of “El Presidente” Justin Trudeau have resonated with freedom lovers around the world. Although the United States was historically considered the torch bearers of individual liberty, the highly demonized events of January 6, 2021 and the successful propaganda campaign by the lamestream media and assorted progressives of both political parties left the world wondering what had happened to the “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”.
The Canadians, by breathing new life into the worldwide cries for individual rights and true justice, have reignited the flame of liberty in America, and may finally move the events of January 6, 2021 back into the psyche of mind controlled Americans. It is sad to see Americans following the parade rather than leading it, but thank God they are at least in the parade…….finally……..maybe.
America has transitioned from a constitutional republic that thrived with free speech and rule of law, into a Marxist technocracy that tolerates only the groups and ideas that support collectivism. That is why the riots that plagued America under the banner of BLM and ANTIFA were given a free pass to loot, burn and destroy while the events of January 6th were called a lawless “insurrection”.
American academia has clearly fallen under the spell of control/command/Marxist theologies, demonizing anyone that promotes free market economics and filling virtually all tenured teaching positions with their politically correct drones and Marxist ideologues from the Frankfurt School.
The events of January 6, 2021 were clearly part of a well orchestrated plan to marginalize the Trump Administration in it's waning days, and more importantly, to identify many of his staunchest supporters, implementing a scheme for their disenfranchisement and intimidation. By staging a false flag event and driving a false narrative for the ill-informed and cognitive dissonant American sheeple, the seventy five + million Trump supporters who felt that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen, could be silenced, and the election fraud hearings that were scheduled to occur on January 6 were dropped like a hot rock without any credible debate by the House or Senate.
Was there video evidence that this whole unseemly event was a setup meant to stop the investigation and debate that was scheduled later in the day?
Did Antifa and anti-Trump forces stage the invasion of the Capitol, working with the Capitol Police and some members of congress to paint all Trump supporters as radical despite a long history of non-violence, patriotism, civility and interracial harmony at countless Trump rallies all over America?
Why was the downstream media so quick to call the Capitol breach a RIOT when it consistently called the looting, burning, murder and mayhem conducted by Antifa and BLM in cities all over America “peaceful protests”? Why were there no firearms recovered from Trump supporters despite reported murders by gunshot?
If violence was the goal, why were Trump supporters videoed trying to stop suspect black-clad individuals intent on breaking windows and causing physical damage at the Capitol?
Why did Capitol Police open the gates and invite the crowd through 3 layers of barriers and right into the Capitol Chambers?
And what about the video evidence that black clad Antifa agents were changing into Trump (Make America Great) garb in a park near the Capitol prior to the incursion, or please explain the line of black out windowed white passenger vans parked several blocks from the Capitol and escorted by D.C. Police long before the President's speech?
America is currently experiencing the culmination of a century long murder of the constitutional republic in favor of a Marxist/communist/fascistic/feudal technocracy controlled by a powerful few globalist ideologues who see humanity, and especially Christian/American humanity as a blot on the natural world and a perfect target for a massive culling of the herd.
January 6, 2021 needs to become “PATRIOT'S DAY” to recognize the desire of the American people to choose liberty over despotism. We need to identify the many political prisoners within our own country and expose the tyrants attempting to destroy rule of law and true justice in America.

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