When a worldwide Covid-19 pandemic of biblical proportions was announced 3+ years ago, the immediate response from the general population was to trust the medical experts and government leaders for their guidance and open disclosure of the facts.
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Guest: Kate Allison Wright – is a registered general nurse. She trained in 1984 and has a vast range of nursing experience, specializing in surgical areas, accidents and emergencies and NHS Direct. Kate trained in aesthetics at a prestigious Harley Street clinic in London.
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What Covid 19 actually was and how it came to be a global threat to humanity must only come from the true medical experts that understood the disease and the cure.
Only they could give reliable medical advice based on years of scientific training in highly contagious diseases.
Why would we trust them so completely? Because they tell us repeatedly that the main purpose of government, the media, and the medical profession is to serve humanity and defend those in society that are incapable of defending themselves.
What we learned from media, government and the medical profession was that a deadly “virus” naturally evolved from a wet market selling bats and monkey meat in China and threatened to end human life on earth.
We were told that this pandemic could result in billions dead unless we did everything that government “experts” advised. Moreover, we were told that this disease disproportionately attacked the old and those suffering from obesity or congenital illness.
Although significant evidence suggested that it was created and escaped from a Chinese virology lab in Wuhan, China, this information was deflected and nuanced by global medical and government experts despite President Trump's insistence it was a creation of the CCP in China.
Dr's Fauci and Birx were given carte blanche by President Trump to inform the American people and monitor the situation.
Although much evidence indicated that common over-the-counter drugs like hydroxy chloroquin, ivermectin, and chlorine dioxide might be effective in treating the Covid-19 disease when diagnosed early, such evidence was ridiculed as witchcraft by the “experts” who recommended only expensive pharmaceutical drugs and costly hospital procedures.
We certainly didn't hear that record profits for Big Pharma or a virtual tsunami of taxpayer dollars to financially strapped hospitals might be a motivating factor for promoting the Covid pandemic.
We also didn't hear about the 74 patents going as far back as 1999 that were held by government, individuals, public health officials, and Big Pharma for the Covid pathogens and mRNA “vaccines”.
Or did we hear that U.S. government (taxpayer) “gain of function” funding was given to China during the Obama Administration to help fund research that allowed this deadly pathogen to jump from animals to humans.
In the re-election year of 2020, the entire world economy was in a tailspin; schools were emptied, small businesses and churches were closed, while everyone was told to stay home, mask up, and lock themselves in for months at a time. Meanwhile, mega stores like Costco, Walmart, Lowes and Target were allowed to remain open unimpeded, Amazon sales doubled, and nearly half of all U.S. small businesses went bankrupt from forced closures.
Grandma and Grandpa were isolated from their loved ones and told to die alone…
Parks, beaches and public spaces were closed indefinitely as the U.S. came to a complete standstill…
Eerily, the entire bizarre scenario was practiced to the letter in a training called Event 201, conducted only 3 months before the actual pandemic……right down to the correctly named pathogen.
Although the “experts” vacillated and contradicted themselves repeatedly on everything from transmissibility to mask mandates, one thing was clear; every possible death was to be classified as Covid-19 related, with the clear goal of the entire plandemic being mass vaccination of every living soul on the planet. BUT WHY?
Even after ginning the numbers by classifying nearly every death during 2020-2021 as Covid or Covid related, it was obvious the actual Covid-19 death rates were grossly overstated when compared to the hype. The likelihood of otherwise healthy individuals under 45 years old dying from Covid was under 1% and the chances of children under 18 years old dying was comparable to the risk of being struck by lightning. Even those over 70 had a Covid survival rate of nearly 97% when not suffering at least 2 additional comorbidities.
Facts were belying the fear of the disease which was causing resistence to the government mandated shot protocol. Even more troubling was the seemingly rushed and untested introduction of the “vaccine” and the numerous reports of adverse reactions to the shots that were being swept under the rug by the CDC, WHO, VAERS, and Big Pharma alike.
Why was there an insistence on Covid shots for everyone including small children when their odds of contracting or transmitting the disease were nearly non-existent. Some ulterior motive must be afoot.
A frantic push to have 100% of the U.S. population fully vaccine compliant including boosters was reinforced with an all out media blitz, government intimidation, threats of job loss, promised financial rewards, peer pressure and restricted travel.
Military personnel, police/public safety personnel, doctors, nurses, teachers, pilots, etc., were told that they must be fully vaccine compliant if they wished to keep their jobs. Those who refused were often summarily fired or forced to resign under extreme duress. Despite this, many refused to inject their body with experimental drugs for a disease that had a death toll similar to a bad flu season.
Two and a half years into the Covid vaccine program and insurance actuaries are reporting a 40+ percent increase in deaths of policy holders under 45 years old, while an amazing number of otherwise healthy young people and athletes drop dead from blood clotting and myocarditis.
Are these deaths coincidental, or are they part of a much more terrifying reality about the mRNA shot program? Should we be alarmed by the hubristic quotes by global leaders like WEF President Klaus Schwab that tell us the Covid-19 vaccine program was merely a transformative early step in converting humanity 1.0 to transhuman through the use of mRNA gene therapy technology?
Can we afford to wait for the next shoe to drop and the next plandemic or staged event to create a new fear event requiring government intervention to save us?
Time to wake up people and face the fact that we are being led like sheep to the slaughter by “leaders” that live by lies and deceit.