Connecting the Dots Audio / Audio Download
Guest: Elana Freeland
Connecting the Dots Video
To those of us willing to admit that we are wrong despite our best efforts to remain informed and well read on many subjects, the idea that we have completely underestimated the depravity and sheer evil of certain globalist elements of humankind is quite disconcerting.
To admit being wrong is one thing, to be so completely naive to the complex web of international intrigues that control every aspect of life on earth including the ability for human survival is quite another.
After all; aren't I the tinfoil hat guy derided by the establishment political class that has been exposing hundreds of crazy sounding conspiracies for the past half century?
How could I miss something so obvious?
Surely I couldn't have been so naive to think their brand of evil would have limits. That is until we realize the malevolence behind globalism and its evil spawn, the sustainability movement.
To a globalist, sustainability has only one meaning; the power to control without limits every aspect of life on earth…….especially human life.
Most folks actually believe that politicians are there to serve and that most people in leadership positions have good intentions and love their fellow man.
For some that's true, especially at local or state levels, less so at the national and international levels. Looking behind the curtain is important, but it is only the beginning in your quest for truth.
Utilizing compartmentalization and the ability to hide complex programs in plain sight has been standard operating procedure for decades within our own federal government, especially within our spy agencies.
This allows a few really bad people with really bad ideas to control vast fiscal and human resources in ways that can only be understood by the very few in key leadership positions that developed and micromanage the plan from the beginning.
Cognitive dissonance, naive thinking and denialism is also behind the age old scapegoat; “Don't hold me accountable, I was just doing my job, I had no idea what they were up to”.
This system spawns limitless immorality, depravity and self justification that makes lifelong conspiracy exposers like me look naive.
What seemed unbelievable tin foil hat conspiracy theory several decades ago, are not only factually correct and provable, but ignored and grossly under-reported by the controlled media.
As a lifelong observer of man's ability to demonstrate limitless malevolence mixed with astonishing stupidity; it nonetheless amazes me how little I really knew and how much I still have to learn about both of those less than desirable human traits.
Consequently, I have learned the hard way to never say never, especially when dealing with high IQ nitwits, low IQ political hacks, and the limitless numbers of useful idiots willing to do anything for money and acceptance.
To say that there is a particularly malevolent group of Power Elite Globalists that see most of humanity as parasitic useless eaters is understatement.
To say that they are a genocidal bunch of sociopaths and megalomaniacs and label them as pure evil and the number 1 enemy of humanity is spot on.
To understand the nature of globalism, one has to understand the nature of absolute power and control in the hands of people who see life as a zero sum game that they plan to own over the bloody corpses of the rest of us.
It was widely reported as far back as 50 years ago that the Soviet and American military industrial complexes were both deeply involved in geoengineering the planet, at first to control battlefield conditions, but later to electrically alter the atmosphere as a weapon to control humans.
Projects like HAARP ( the High Altitude Active Auroral Research Project) was spending billions of dollars on experiments to electrically charge the ionosphere for weather modification and more recently, to advance projects aimed at controlling human behavior and physical health.
With most Americans their scientific understanding is more than 50 years behind the actual technology available to military/industrial and spy agency big wigs. This is for a very specific purpose.
An ignorant man is much easier to control than an informed, critical thinker.
Does it bother you as much as me that the average IQ and general knowledge of Americans has dropped precipitously in the past 50 years despite massive spending on Public Education?
We have become a society of sheep amongst wolves, not by accident, but because it was planned that way.
Education and mass media became a tool of the power elite to reprogram mankind to be good workers, not good thinkers.
Technology has outstripped our human capacity to control it.
Nano technology, AI, robotics, quantum computing, bioengineering……….all things that could advance the human condition beyond our wildest dreams, also has the capability to end life on earth as we know it, and most people don't have a clue what we are even talking about.
For those of us who do understand, alarm bells are going off everywhere.
It is frightening knowing that a group of very powerful megalomaniacs that hold God and his creation in total contempt are the ones in charge of this “brave new world” of advanced technology.
It is even more frightening when you realize that most of these people are elite bankers, academics and corporate fascists, but because of their wealth and status can buy the willing lackeys and useful idiots that are willing to do almost anything for fame and fortune.
It is time for average Americans to admit that they were shamelessly fooled into complacency and total inaction in the face of sheer madness.