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how a powerful few can rule the world

The control grid planned for the 21st Century is dependent on power and influence made possible by a consolidation of our national/international banking systems and financial markets. By interconnecting the New World Financial Order with totally fiat electronic digital money, people and economies can be controlled and manipulated in ways that would have been unthinkable a few generations ago.

Interdependence of all economies destroys the sovereignty of individual nations and forces strong economies and free markets to subsidize weak and socialistic economies that would otherwise fail. At the heart of this control grid is the threat of worldwide economic collapse and forced servitude to a system of perpetual debt that very few average citizens comprehend or understand.
This week’s Connecting the Dots radio program will feature a thought provoking discussion of banking, high finance and monetary policies by a distinguished panel of monetary and market experts concerned about the future of our constitutional republican system should we succumb to this control grid. We will discuss in detail the financial crisis of 2008 and the policies that led to that crisis. We will look at the policies of the past 9 years, and how the the Central Banker’s cure actually made the system more fragile and volatile than ever. We will discuss economic bubbles, the Las Vegas style crap table that now represents far too much of our monetary policy, and the needed changes that must occur if we are to survive as a free and sovereign republic.
This program will be dedicated to the Trump Administration and the President’s expressed desire to make “America Great Again” and to help him to renew his pledge of “America first”. At the time of this announcement, the radio show producers and guests are working to secure participation by the Trump Administration’s economic advisors during the last 15 minutes of the program. The solutions presented by our panel could make the Trump Presidency the greatest in modern history, and could lead to the greatest resurgence of economic freedom, American sovereignty, and national prosperity in over a hundred years. Please join us for this fascinating discussion.

Robert FanningRobert Fanning ran for Governor of Montana in 2012 on a platform of fiscal restraint, money backed by precious metals, and protection of wildlife and livestock against federal introduction of Canadian wolves to the Yellowstone area. Robert has been a member of the Chicago Board of Trade and a Registered Representative of the New York Stock Exchange / Commodity-Futures Commission. His theme is: “Standing against two-legged wolves.”

Multifaceted leader with extensive hands-on experience in engineering, manufacturing, global sales and negotiation, and finance. Proven ability to embrace complex issues, articulate problems, and find correct solutions quickly by leveraging any necessary forces. Able to assemble highly effective talent, pull disparate individuals together for common good, instill
confidence and inspire team dedication to the objectives. Innovative, with a reputation for fierce loyalty, integrity, honor and intelligence. Tremendous energy, dogged determination, pioneering spirit.

Charles OrtelCharles K. Ortel serves as Managing Partner of Newport Value Partners, L.L.C. Newport, established in 2007, provides value-added research to executives and to investment firms. Trained in corporate finance, Mr. Ortel eventually served in a senior capacity within Dillon Read’s corporate buyout department before leading Dillon Read’s worldwide merger and acquisition group as a Managing Director. Mr. Ortel graduated from Harvard Business School with an MBA, and from Yale University with a B.A., cum laude.
Investor and writer, Charles is interested in economics, geo-politics, history, travel and just, lasting peace. He is the proud father of two fine young adults.

William BlackBill Black is an Associate Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC). He was the Executive Director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention from 2005-2007. He has taught previously at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin and at Santa Clara University, where he was also the distinguished scholar in residence for insurance law and a visiting scholar at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.
Black developed the concept of “control fraud”–frauds in which the CEO or head of state uses the entity as a “weapon.” Control frauds cause greater financial losses than all other forms of property crime combined and kill and maim thousands. He recently helped the World Bank develop anti-corruption initiatives and served as an expert for OFHEO in its enforcement action against Fannie Mae’s former senior management.

Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

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