The J6 story is replete with groundless charges of insurrection and attempted overthrow of the government by officials and the MockingBird Media…
Connecting the Dots Video Podcast
Guest: David Moerschel is a seminary trained Christian minister, crisis chaplain, and medical specialist. He went to the Capitol on January 6 in response to a call for help from a medic. He was pushed into the Capitol with the crowd and left as soon as he could. For his 11 minutes in the Capitol he and his family have sorely suffered. He has been in some sort of federal custody for 2 years, until lately his sentence was commuted by president Trump. His story and the accounts of many other patriotic and innocent Americans caught up in the J6 “Insurrection” narrative by a very biased and controlled corporate media needs to be exposed to the light of truth.
Guest: Scott Weinberg Attorney at Law. Scott believes strongly in an individual’s right to bear arms, and is an avid and responsible gun collector. Scott has been the guest speaker at various National Rifle Association functions and several Concealed Carry classes throughout Southwest Florida.
Guest: Mark Sutherland – Founder Creative Hub Productions. Movie producer, political Analyst and Public Speaker born and raised in the United Kingdom. Mark worked closely with David Sumrall on the J6 film collage that has documented much of actual timelines and events as they occurred on January 6, 2021.
…As one of his first official acts as the 47th U.S. President, Donald Trump issued full pardons for the 1,600 J6 political prisoners trapped within the American Gulag System.
The JUST-US system that put them there exhibited their contempt for Trump and rule of law by commuting the sentences of a number of J6 prisoners rather than unconditionally pardoning them as ordered by the President.
This allowed the JUST-US System to add a long list of conditions to their release…………meant to silence many J6 defendants , tether them as criminals, and maintain the stain of guilt painted by the fake-news Mockingbird Media.
This affront to justice proves beyond shadow of doubt that the Deep State might be wounded, but they are far from defeated.
However; what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and Trump should use this precedent established by leftist Judges to expose them as the political shills that they are and to demand commuted sentences rather than Presidential pardons for Joe Biden's many crooked family members, Justice Department lackeys, and RINO Republican insiders to tether them to a parole system and stain them as convicted criminals prior to trials for corruption and overt acts of treason when they fail to abide by the extensive terms of conditional release.
And; since Trump was also mercilessly attacked by the JUST-US system for faux felony crimes in a failed attempt to keep him from ever again running for President, an honest court system should be chomping at the bit to go after a corrupt to the core political insider like Joe Biden that has a long and slimy trail of insider political deals for financial gain. Like I say…”what's good for the goose should be good for the gander.”
Since the luny left opened that Pandora's Box, Trump might as well expose the contents.
After all, what does he have to lose and what do “We The People” have to gain by knowing the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Methinks the exposure of 125 years of Judicial manipulation/corruption is just what the doctor ordered when it comes to an American wake up call.
The past week is proving that Trump 47 learned a lot from the past 8 years about trying to negotiate with entrenched political insiders on the hope that they might see it his way and help him to succeed on America's behalf.
The deep state could care less about the well being of average Americans; spending the past 125 years destroying and “fundamentally transforming” our national institutions from icons of individualism and liberty to incubators for Marxist indoctrination and totalitarian control.
His Inauguration Address was blunt and very to the point. Gone were the overtures of polite respect for business as usual under the existing Demican/Republicrat Uniparty system. Trump voiced what Americans have felt for at least the past 4 years, and made it crystal clear that Americans were doing a 180 degree about face in our ideological compass.
Since taking office he has reversed by Executive Order many of the harmful policies of the past 60 years, cutting the red tape and Agency rule making that has neutered Congress and perverted rule by law since 1913. President Trump is exhibiting the kind of leadership that Godly Americans have prayed for and sought for many generations.
If he continues down this same path, we might save America as the last best hope for a free, prosperous, peaceful, lawful and sovereign beacon of freedom in a globalist world gone mad. And, speaking of a world gone mad………….did you see President Trump's televised address to the World Economic Forum group in Davos on Friday?
Their weakly neutered response was quite “illuminating” (pun intended).
We shall see how President Trump deals with Deep State hatred, convulsions, and gnashing of teeth as he works to remove 125+ years of untethered Satanic Marxist cancer from the American body politic.
Thus far he has exhibited a sense of purpose and personal conviction that borders on brilliant. Speaking of borders, how about his dispatching of Marine Helicopter Groups and Special Forces along our southern border, with plans to destroy the gangs, drug cartels and human traffickers that are taking over cities and neighborhoods all over America?
For the first time in my entire adult life, I feel that we might be able to win the war of ideologies that have been directed against America since my Father's generation.
We can pull this off, but Trump can only go so far without becoming dictatorial. It is up to all Americans to get on board and do some of the heavy lifting ourselves.
We must bring God back into our lives and pray for Godly guidance and direction in Trump's decision making and the blessing of peace, truth, honor and justice for a newly liberated nation of free men and women.
May God Bless America!