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America is losing our national sovereignty to the forces of globalism through political opportunism and a loss of open, honest and fair elections.

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Guest: Linda Szynkowicz was raised on her family's 70-acre farm in Higganum, CT. In the early 1980s, she founded Octagraphics, a successful stationery company with nationwide distribution, before transitioning into a career in advertising. In the mid-1990s, Linda authored the “Police on Patrol” book series, a project involving interviewing over 3000 law enforcement officers across the country and for 7 ½ years hosting both radio and cable programs. She also established her first nonprofit, “Police on Patrol Days, Inc.” which put on public safety events and gave away almost 8,000 bicycle helmets through police departments. She also spent 25+ years as a independent security auditor.

Linda served on the Middletown Board of Education from 2013 to 2017, became a Justice of the Peace in 2018, and ran for Connecticut State Representative. After witnessing significant voter fraud during her campaign, she founded the nonprofits End Voter Fraud, Inc. 501 (c) (3) nonprofit and Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to restoring the integrity of U.S. elections and ensuring every legal voter's voice is heard. Linda is a devoted wife to her husband, Vinny, and mother to her daughter, Andrea.

Although the election process has been touted as sacred in the United States since our founding, there is overwhelming evidence that the entire process has been compromised for at least the past 25 – 30 years thru a combination of: computer & electronic tally fraud, organized vote harvesting, voter registration of non-citizens, identity theft to enhance illegal votes, intentional miscounts and widespread coverups.

Moreover, although the 2020 Presidential Election was clearly manipulated by progressives, the mainstream media and establishment Marxist/Globalists of both major political parties demonized and marginalized those many millions of Americans crying out for investigations and demanding reform; enough so to maintain the status quo and actually make fraud markedly more likely in 2024.

We head into the 2024 Presidential Election with a much more enlightened and determined group of Poll Watchers and concerned citizens, but is that enough to turn around a system mired in fraud that evolved over the past 30+ years through orchestrated efforts to deceive lawful voters and undermine America's national sovereignty.

Do Americans realize that our (s)election process is fatally flawed because a majority of our national leaders are committed globalists that see our Constitution and national sovereignty as a impediment to their vision of a world government based on Marxist/socialist ideals and managed by International Banksters, corporate fascists, political insiders, environmental NGOs, and globalist technocrats?

Do Americans really think that the rapid and steady decline in the standard of living of working Americans over the past 30 years is just by happenstance and not by design?

How are they able to ignore the open attacks on free speech, property rights, religious freedom, morality and America's rights to privacy?

Do they not see the rot in our public schools that are more likely to teach transgender rights than reading, writing and arithmetic?

Do they not see the wholesale influence and open embrace of Chinese communism by world leaders as free markets and capitalism are openly attacked as racist and homophobic in a newly WOKE green world?

How did Americans come to embrace ideas and philosophies in such complete contradiction to our traditional national character of individualism, the freedom to live where and how we choose, the right to associate with whomever and however we choose, and the lawful right to redress our grievances under rule of law, not the laws of rulers?

Fixing our broken election system must be our highest short term priority if we are to have any hope of saving and restoring our national character, but that must be merely the beginning of a much broader and more comprehensive investigation into the real Restore America antagonist that is “GLOBALISM”.

We must not allow any elected or appointed “leaders” to tinker with our national Constitution by fiat, and we must end the Executive Order process that allows the U.S. President to disregard constitutional law and Legislative process by exercising a personal political proxy.

Enough is enough, and it is high time for average patriotic Americans to stand up and say NO…………..refusing to accept any further debasement of Rule of Law, and to stand tall in defense of our wonderful constitutional republic under a system of representative government that made us a beacon of freedom for the entire world for 230+ years.

The “powers that be” in the New World Disorder decided long ago that for their form of tyranny to take hold and thrive, America must be brought to her knees, then sliced and diced into a thousand pieces so that we may never again be cohesive and united enough to stand for anything that might challenge their power.

To understand their big picture plan for America will only be exposed when we take back our election process and elect leaders not because of political affiliation, but because they are willing and able to comprehend their constitutional duty and live by the rulebook called the U.S. Constitution.

We need to scrap computerized voting and return to a system of: one day, in person with valid voter I.D., hand marked paper ballots, hand counted at the precinct level and verifiable by representatives of all major political parties.

For any form of mail-in ballots to be counted they must be returned in pre-authorized official envelopes that are hand signed and must be unopened until election day where they are signature verified at their home precinct as a legal pre-registered voter.

State Legislatures must take back the power that is rightfully theirs and refuse to let Governors, Courts, and Administrative Agencies dictate election rules through emergency declarations.

Covid19 was deadly for America for many reasons, the least being the actual disease itself. If we fail to look at the easily verified facts and to take a hard look at the historical lessons of the past several decades; shame, shame on us!

Americans need to stand together and to demand an election process that guarantees a return to responsible, constitutional representative government……..nothing else will do!


Next article(S)ELECTION SEASON 2024 – Part 2