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There is a clear connection of persons, ideas and events that are transitioning America from bastion of freedom to technocratic nightmare.

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Guest: Juliette M. Engel, MD was born into a family of intelligence operatives. In 1955 at the age of six, she was sold by her father into the CIA's secret Monarch MK Ultra program. At age ten, she was selected for Sex Magick because she was tall, smart, and pretty.

Throughout childhood, she was subjected to physical and mental torture including sexual abuse in the process of creating multiple identities. As a teenager, she was trained in the art of seduction, physics, ariosophy, cybernetics and genocide at the Stanford Research Institute and Hoover Institution in preparation for life undercover in Russia.

At the age of seventeen, she escaped and lived as a free person through university and medical school becoming a physician, marrying and having a family without any memory of her childhood. In 1990, she sold her medical practice and moved to Moscow to found the Angel Coalition, an underground railroad that rescued and repatriated thousands of trafficking victims, mostly children.


According to rural American folklore, the term quickening is a point in a pregnancy when a fetus moves for the first time in their mother's womb, indicating the baby and their soul have united to become one.

In Scottish folklore it is a process when a human soul becomes immortal after being unjustly murdered by an evil opponent; resulting in a series of retributions through a sequence of events that unnaturally accelerate the time/space continuum and bring justice to a very unjust situation.

Although we know there is a vast difference between legend and fact, at times it feels like we are in a quickening, where the time/space continuum is accelerating at an unnatural pace, and we are trapped in a world that makes almost no sense whatsoever.

A world where all mores and norms are turned upside down and inside out in a world where evil seems to reign supreme.

Is this proof positive that eternal justice and God's vision for humanity is right around the corner? Afterall, it may also mean that we need to experience a bit more pain before we are worthy of vindication.

In a world so completely out of control and devoid of justice, we must remember that every event is part of Gods ultimate plan. It becomes even more important to realize exactly why we are facing such seemingly overwhelming odds against such very formidable opponents.

Vindication against evil all becomes a matter of faith, for without faith, we cannot achieve salvation or vindication. To this writer the end game is deadly serious and has been unfolding for 5,000 + years.

It's known as the battle between good and evil, and although we know biblically how the story ends, we cannot begin to comprehend the degree of suffering or the human toll that might be exacted during the battle.

Humanism, moral relativism, and a lack of reverence for God has transformed our society in ways that would have been inconceivable to our Founding Fathers. It has defiled the whole concept of man being created in God's image, making man nothing more than a clever animal and an enemy to the biological universe.

It vilifies mankind and opens the door to collectivist ideology that allows a small minority to control the vast majority for the common good. It destroys independent thought, ownership and personal responsibility in favor of top down control with little value for human life.

It allows such things as eugenics and abortion as acceptable behavior and quite normal while vilifying morality, individualism and personal responsibility as outmoded concepts from a bygone era.

Although many in the freedom movement have spent decades and dedicated untold resources trying to explain the evolution of tyranny to our audiences, many still consider us to be “conspiracy theorists” and choose to ignore many of the most important points that we make about the world we live in.

Almost everyone outside of the freedom movement has a great deal of difficulty “connecting the dots” between a litany of seemingly unrelated events and the invisible enemies that are destroying America. Many have a more simplistic world view that makes it almost impossible to tackle complex concepts.

Because of a Marxist controlled education system and mainstream media, cognitive dissonance and outright stupidity has become so commonplace that common sense and deductive reasoning are nearly extinct, replaced by an almost irrational fear of the unknown and the need for conformity and safety at any cost.

With such a narrow frame of reference, Americans are becoming all the things that we held in contempt several generations ago.

I remember as a child trying to understand how anyone could willingly become a Nazi or a Communist, knowing full well that to do so would mean giving up most of your freedom. I could not then conceive that America in the 21st Century would fall so far from the truth and logic that motivated our forefathers.

After 9 years doing terrestrial radio and podcasting with some of the most interesting personalities and intellectuals on the planet, the correlations between people, places, events and motivations become clearer by the day.

The power elite, their prostitutes in elected office and the bought and paid for lamestream media, deep state technocrats and political ideologues have one thing in common…………they are determined to end the United States of America as a constitutional republic once and for all.

They see freedom as a problem and many see mankind and technological achievement as a cancer on earth that must be eliminated as any cost. That is exactly why we must connect the dots and get a large percentage of people worldwide listening to and learning about the evils of collectivism and secular humanism.

We do not need to do anything but print their own words and connect their actions to the mountains of cash that have allowed them to buy their opposition, destroy those who refuse, reshape truth into illusion and create a level of chaos and fear that has allowed them to take control of humanity.

It is time to connect all the dots and move to the next level where we follow a plan that will go a long way toward achieving that goal.




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