The world has become more dangerous and repressive as we move closer to unelected Marxist/technocratic global governance.
The madness in the Middle East has been ramped up until the whole of humanity questions whether sanity can ever return to that part of the world. Very few know the complex history that has fanned tribalism, theocracy, resentment and hatred in the region for millenniums, becoming so intense at times that any practical solutions seem far beyond reach.
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Guest: Dr. WALID PHARES has served as an advisor to the US Congress and the European Parliament and has also served as an advisor on foreign policy to former President Donald Trump and a national security senior advisor to presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012.
Dr Phares is the only expert/author who predicted the Arab Spring a year before it occurred in his pacesetting book, The Coming Revolution: Struggle for Freedom in the Middle East
Dr Walid Phares is a native of Beirut, Lebanon, and immigrated to the United States in 1990. He speaks fluent Arabic and French as well as English. Dr Phares predicted the rise of jihadi urban networks and set forth strategies to counter them in the West and overseas.
Dr Phares published two more books on global strategies: The War of Ideas (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008) explaining the ideological indoctrination and The Confrontation a policy strategy book designed to isolate radicals.
In 2014 he published The Lost Spring: Avoiding Catastrophes in US Foreign Policy.
In the midst of this political/theocratic nightmare sits the British Empire, colonialism, the Balfour Declaration, the Versailles Treaty and the British/French destruction of the Ottoman Empire creating a patchwork of semi-autonomous nationstates as punishment for the Turks siding with the Axis Powers during WWI.
As the social progressives within New World Order crowd gained political power, sucking America into the role of “policeman of the world” briefly in WWI, but completely capturing us during and after WWII, we gave up 150 years of neutrality and the Founder's common sense avoidance of international alliances and political intrigues.
In part from our desire to do good, we became the very thing that we found offensive in others, unilaterally projecting military force to impose our will on people that may not share our values. And, as always seems to happen with do-gooders, the more the effort fails, the more money gets committed to the cause, amplifying mistakes, costing lives, and creating even more resentment.
In 100 short years, we have gone from the envy of the civilized free world to a hegemonic socialist busy body living on borrowed money and borrowed time as we project power that demands response; all-the-while building the portfolios of military-industrial suppliers and war hawks of every political or theocratic bent, worldwide.
Sadly, so-called conservatives are the first to get sucked into this progressive Tar Baby under the guise of patriotism and a jingoistic desire to make America the unchallenged leader of the world. Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to balance our national budget and secure our own borders against foreign invasion than spending trillions of dollars on proxy wars and military adventures in foreign lands?
The more we meddle, the greater the collateral damage, and more importantly; the greater the amount of resentment and number of committed enemies we garner. Meanwhile, as Rome burns and our economy dies, we (s)elect leaders that seem hell-bent on turning us into a police state by leaving our borders open to a growing number of international enemies.
Although progressive Democrats seem to start most major wars, Republicans have gained a well deserved reputation as war hawks because of the globalist neo-con faction that seems to hold the establishment Republican party by the throat. And, although Donald Trump was called a Nazi by ANTIFA and their communist Democrat Party friends, he was simultaneously called the same by the very neo-con progressive “national socialists” in the establishment Republican Party that fought him every step of the way during his 4 short years in office as he tried to ramp down U.S. military adventurism and return the United States to its more modest prerogative of peaceful coexistence, practical statesmanship & of leading by example.
There are no shortage of fools in either party, as President Trump can attest, but it seems that the number of outright traitors to the cause of liberty are growing by the hour. The fact that “the establishment” of both political parties find Donald Trump so objectionable that they would alienate and threaten 60% of American voters to keep him out of office is testament to the threat he poses to their goal of technocratic globalist hegemony.
The weaponization of federal agencies against patriotic Americans and attempts to silence anyone speaking out against globalism by Big Tech and Mainstream Media censorship, is becoming crystal clear to all but the most brainwashed amongst us.
As the world tetters on the verge of economic and social collapse, we need to step back and consider exactly how we got here and what we must do to return sanity to an insane world.
Clearly, the path that the power elite have us following will not bode well for the survival of the human species, but it will suit their purposes if we allow them to implement their plan to control the world's resources with an iron fist, and reduce the world's population by 90% as clearly defined by UN Agenda 21/2030 acolytes under the UN Biodiversity Treaty.
Knowledge is power, but when a strawman is used to further a political or social narrative, we must be able to step back and fully analyze cause and effect with a clear vision of the much bigger picture…….. sometimes exposing and castigating experts that are clearly only expert in projecting a political narrative that advances globalism.
A unbiased understanding of world history comes to one undeniable conclusion…
Those with little power do remarkably less damage than those with unlimited power. The more power you concentrate in the hands of the fewest people, the more likely you are to do things that negatively effect the most people.
The world is becoming more bloody and repressive as we turn over more control to unelected world government. Maybe, just maybe, we should return power to the people, and make government less powerful and more accountable before it's too late!