The recent COP25 Conference in Madrid, Spain was billed as the coming together of world leaders concerned about the fate of humanity in a world threatened by human development and the need for Draconian governmental control of every action by humans by 2030 to avoid cataclysmic climate change and the destruction of the planet.
They trotted forward their collection of nitwits, climate alarmists, and non-scientists like Greta Thunberg, John (Lurch)Kerry and Al (hockeystick) Gore to tell the world of the need for everyone to accept the wisdom of the anointed ones and promote collectivism (communism) as the future of the world. Meanwhile we are to allow them to impose Draconian taxes and controls on every human action and promote worldwide wealth redistribution as a means of assuring human survival in the name of sustainability. This charade took two+ weeks and ended as it started; more skeptics than ever and internationalists afraid to take action because they are beginning to realize that their citizens are catching on to the whole phoney climate change charade and are likely to tar and feather their leaders for promoting this nonsense. Their attempts to link carbon dioxide and carbon to every evil known to mankind was a dismal failure because virtually everyone on the planet is becoming aware that everything is made of carbon and carbon dioxide is necessary for life on earth, with more generally better, especially when we are at near historical lows.
Make no mistake about it, climate alarmism is intended to do one thing, use fear to convince everyone to give up all their freedoms and rights to property in the name of saving themselves from catastrophic destruction, all the while embracing collectivism. Collectivism (communism and socialism) has historically failed because Marxist technocrats are lousy at understanding human nature and always end up using force to make others accept their brilliant plans………..naturally for our own good.
The dream of collectivists for one-world global governance is based on the voluntary end to national sovereignty, private property and God given rights to personal choice. Selling the tripe of climate change alarmism and sustainable development is a necessary step if this plan of global governance is ever to come to fruition. Join us for a complete expose' of a meeting of international collectivists determined to control humanity from cradle to grave.
Debbie Bacigalupi – is a Californian cattle rancher who is in-demand throughout the west as an educational speaker on Agenda 21, the 2030 Agenda, Cap and Trade, Sustainable Development, property rights, dams and water rights, “conservation” and other related issues.
She attends many conferences including the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, COP21 and the 2015 UN Paris Climate Change Conference, COP24, Navigating the American Carbon World on Cap and Trade, the Western Governors Association Crucial Habitat Conferences, and many Fish and Wildlife meetings and hearings on the Endangered Species Act.
Ms. Bacigalupi co-produced and/or inspired timely documentaries: Blue, No Water No Farmer No Food, and Wolves in Government Clothing – all focusing on how aggressive environmental policy is harming rural America.
Discouraged by the erosion of rural America, she ran for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012. Ms. Bacigalupi holds a BS degree in Business and a Masters in Business Administration and is a Certified Meeting Professional and Sommelier. Her entrepreneurial spirit and passion to free rural America and change lives through education inspired her to open her own business with Rodan+Fields ( She is Ambassador-at-Large for Technocracy.News.
Alex Newman – is an international journalist, educator, author, and consultant. In addition to serving as president of the small media and information consulting firm Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad.
He currently serves as a foreign correspondent for The New American magazine, a contributor to WND, and more. He has also written for numerous newspapers and magazines such as the Gainesville Sun, Liberty magazine, Crisis magazine, The Diplomat magazine, Swiss News magazine, Sunshine State News, Alachua County Today, and many more.
In addition, he has co-authored two books, including a major expose’ of the plot to dumb down American children using government schools, published by WND Books, released last year. Alex also serves as a director for the organization Bear Witness Central, which works to protect and preserve the U.S. Constitution, and on various advisory boards.
The New American Magazine:
Books and Periodicals By Alex Newman on Amazon:
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