With the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States, we are beginning to understand the true meaning of the term “Deep State” and how most of what we are fed as truth by our elected leaders and the downstream media are not just lies, but damned lies meant to destroy our liberty and the dream of the Founding Fathers.
The now open attacks against the US Constitution and the freedoms that we have enjoyed under that constitution are exposing the breadth and depth of Marxist/communist infiltration into every crevice of American society, especially government, media and education. Political parties have become a cover for identity politics meant to divide and conquer average Americans who naively believe that we really have a choice…….while they herd us like sheep to the slaughter.
We now live in a false reality; a reality manufactured by the forces of global communism and Marxism that intend to control every aspect of our existence from cradle to grave. The re-writing of most of our history and the re-education of our youth to a collectivist false paradigm has taken over 100 years to accomplish. Patience and a sense of resolve has allowed the forces of evil to create a false narrative that most Americans not only believe, but will vehemently defend as undeniable fact.
Enter MS King to pop the bubble of false reality and give you a dose of sanity that might very well leave you speechless. Learn how little of what we know as truth is actually true and how the forces of collectivism have sold our once great nation a bill of goods that threatens our national sovereignty and constitutional republican form of government………….replacing free choice and individualism with collectivist gibberish about the greater good, government control, and social justice.
M.S. King is a private investigative journalist and researcher based in the New York City area. A 1987 graduate of Rutgers University, King's subsequent 30 year career in Marketing & Advertising has equipped him with a unique perspective when it comes to understanding how “public opinion” is indeed scientifically manufactured. Madison Ave marketing acumen combines with ‘City Boy' instincts to make M.S. King one of the most tenacious detectors of “things that don't add up” in the world today.
Says King of his admitted quirks, irreverent disdain for “conventional wisdom”, and uncanny ability to ferret out and weave together important data points that others miss: “Had Sherlock Holmes been an actual historical personage, I would have been his reincarnation.” King's other interests include: the animal kingdom, philosophy, chess, cooking, literature, history (with emphasis on events of the late 19th through the 20th centuries).
M.S. King web site TomatoBubble ms king – Mike King New Website
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