The level of outright fraud and corruption of the rule of law in last week's midterm election could go down as the undeniable turning point in U.S. electoral integrity. We no longer can expect legitimate election results because of rampant voter fraud typical of third world and totalitarian countries.
The concept of representative democracy was intended by our founders to be a very limited democracy because they understood that a republic form of government and absolute democracy were incompatible. As classical thinkers they understood that a constitutional republic exists to protect the rights of all citizens including minorities through rule of law, while democracy in it's purest form is quite literally mob rule and is best represented by communist and totalitarian countries who own and control all forms of media and claim to represent the majority. Elections are usually rigged in favor of the oppressor, and sold as pure democracy representing the people. The power elite tell the ill informed through the controlled media that the state will provide for all their needs by redistribution of wealth and claim legitimacy by the manipulation of the ballot box. As Joseph Stalin famously quoted “it's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes”.
In Florida, Arizona, Montana and Michigan very unethical and openly illegal actions by progressive democrats made a mockery out of the legitimacy of the election process, breaking every law and election rule in the process. If the whole system of representative democracy is to have value to Americans, we must obey the rules that assure an honest outcome. Progressives, communists and other leftist thinkers state openly that they care only about winning and are more than willing break all the rules if they find it necessary to win. This corruption must be exposed and stopped immediately. Tune in to hear what, how and why this happened and what must be done to stop this from destroying our republic.
Chris Kortlander is the Founding Director of the Custer Battlefield Museum and owner of the historical town of Garryowen MT where the Battle of the Little Big Horn began in 1876, the town is also the host to the TOMB of a 7th Cavalry US unknown soldier. For resurrecting the historical town received the Governors Tourism Ambassador Award.
A former Montana Law enforcement officer, he is now an outspoken advocate for victims that have been abused and threatened by Dept. of the Interior and other militarized Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.
Kortlander's book Arrow To The Heart is a must read. March 31, 2005 was a pivotal day in the life of Chris Kortlander when he received a frantic phone call informing him that Garryowen was under siege by an armed cadre of federal, state, and local police. It tells the story of the events leading up to and following that raid. Kortlander tells his personal story of devastating attacks by government agents bent on destroying his business, his health, and threatening his very freedom in a power play of retribution ultimately built around a button from an Army uniform. It puts seemingly unrelated events together to show a clear pattern of abusive persecution of our fellow Americans by federal law enforcement agents from the Department of the Interior. The book is ripe with documented facts that characterize what has become known as the “deep state” of a law enforcement bureaucracy.
Elaine Devary Willman, MPA is the author of Going To Pieces…the dismantling the United States of America, first published in 2005. The book reports on first person visits and experiences of tribal members and citizens residing on or near seventeen Indian reservations during her extensive road trip across the country from Washington State to New York State. Going to Pieces…continues to be a best-seller, some eleven years later, and is now available in a Second Edition, inclusive of an Index, in book stores and on all major book website.
In July 2015 Ms. Willman moved to the Flathead Indian Reservation to assist western Montana landowners defend against a federal/tribal/state taking of water rights from landowners, transfer of a public hydropower dam to become a private tribal government asset, and loss of all control of water access or rate setting, deeply imperiling the entire food production in this agriculture-dependent region.
In March of 2016, Ms. Willman published a reference manual for community leaders and elected officials, now available in stores and online as well. The reference manual is entitled, Slumbering Thunder…a primer for confronting the spread of federal Indian policy and tribalism overwhelming America.
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