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A discussion of elected officials in rolling back the UN policies that appointed regional councils known as “Councils of Government”

This week our guest Michael Shaw will explain in detail how the United Nations plans to replace local elected governments with regional appointed officials and Councils of Government that end the American system of constitutional republican government.

By replacing local elected officials with unaccountable appointed professional planners, decision making can be controlled and manipulated by change agents intent on destroying representative government in America and around the world. The New World Order is one world communism controlled by an elite group of technocrats and planners intent on controlling every aspect of our lives from cradle to grave. Bottom up elected government has no place in the New World Order, but top down technocratic control is just the ticket. Please join us for this important broadcast.

Michael ShawOur Guest will be Michael Shaw, founder of Freedom Advocates.  For more information go to



Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

Listen Live on The Micro Effect Radio Network

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