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finding ways return sanity to national security

Donald Trump has been attacked by the political class since he announced his candidacy for President, and the vitriol of the attacks increased as his populist campaign gained strength. His message of America First resonated with the voters, much to the chagrin of the globalist progressives that have controlled American government for generations. The progressives of both political parties are totally committed to global socialism, and the election of President Trump threw a wrench into their plan for global governance by 2030.

Americans are beginning to realize just how close we were to losing our country forever and what Donald Trump meant when he spoke of “draining the Swamp” in Washington, D.C.. Make no mistake about it; the progressives are committed to the destruction of the Trump Presidency and the end to American exceptionalism. Bruce Moran and Chuck Floyd are American patriots that are members of a team engaged to ferret out the corruption behind the Deep State and find ways to cut the progressive cancer to the bone.

Our guests will be Bruce Moran and Chuck Floyd    (no pictures available for obvious reasons)

Bruce J. Moran is a senior National Security Advisor who focuses on strategic planning for National Security issues. As a consultant, he works with public officials, U.S. Government committees, departments, agencies, think tanks, and corporations. He works on special national security projects and defines clear “hands on” working solutions for Crisis Preparedness and Crisis Readiness scenarios. He has in-depth experience in foreign policy, security operations & Hi-Tech systems (connectivity, interoperability, and interfacing) such as SMART* Fusion protocols and applications. He consults with the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Commerce, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, House Committee On Foreign Affairs, Joint Economic Committee, Senate/House Committees on Banking/Finance, Senate Permanent Committee On Investigations and the Senate Select Committee On Intelligence.
Chuck Floyd is a senior executive with an MBA and a Masters degree in Logistics, with over 25 years of experience driving strategy, business development, market penetration, regulatory compliance, acquisitions, program management, and joint ventures with industry and the U.S. Departments of State, Defense, Homeland Security, Health & Human Services, Justice, Veteran Affairs, and the U.S. Congress. He is also adept at managing domestic and international teams, collaborating with business, government and other stakeholders, and leading large-scale programs from planning to completion. His extensive expertise includes strategic planning, business development & capture, marketing, program management, security, spiral & agile development, Six Sigma and ISO process improvements, P&L, supply chain and operations management. He has experience writing legislation and managing government relation programs. Chuck has traveled to over 50 countries around the world and has coordinated contracts, policy, and agreements with foreign government officials. He also has experience building, managing, and motivating high-performing teams that exceed expectations and company objectives.

Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

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