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Money, Markets, and
Scam Artists in High Places! 


This week we enter the world of high finance and the games being played with your money.   Bob Fanning is a Bond Trader that held a seat at the Chicago Board of Trade for many years, is very familiar with the stock and bond trading markets and witnessed the manipulations that led to the financial meltdown in 2008.  Bob is also knowledgeable about the Chicago Climate Exchange and the whole carbon credit scheme that was planned to implement U.N. Agenda 21 policies.

Please join us for an eye opening and spirited discussion of the Money Masters and powerful elite that plan to steal your future and seal the deal for the New World Order.

Freedom Force International 2nd Congress
Robert Fanning-Presenter

Donald Trump Takes on Fed Land Control

Larry Fink and His BlackRock team poised to take over Hillary Clinton's Treasury Dept

Robert FanningRobert ran for Governor of Montana in 2012 on a platform of fiscal restraint, money backed by precious metals, and protection of wildlife and livestock against federal introduction of Canadian wolves to the Yellowstone area. Robert has been a member of the Chicago Board of Trade and a Registered Representative of the New York Stock Exchange / Commodity-Futures Commission.
His theme is: “Standing against two-legged wolves.” 
Background Summary

Principal ● Chief Restructuring Officer ● Consultant

Multifaceted leader with extensive hands-on experience in engineering, manufacturing, global sales and negotiation, and finance. Proven ability to embrace complex issues, articulate problems, and find correct solutions quickly by leveraging any necessary forces. Able to assemble highly effective talent, pull disparate individuals together for common good, instill confidence and inspire team dedication to the objectives. Innovative, with a reputation for fierce loyalty, integrity, honor and intelligence. Tremendous energy, dogged determination, pioneering spirit.

Areas of Expertise

  • Forecasting, Market analysis
  • International Negotiations
  • Advocacy
  • Communications
  • P&L Management
  • Environmental Issues
  • Public Speaking
  • Expertise in Print, Radio, Television, Internet Media
  • Strategic Planning
  • Financial Analysis
  • Due Diligence/Litigation
  • Operations/General Management
  • Start-up/Turnaround
  • Bankruptcy Reorganization
  • Sales and Marketing

Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

Listen Live on The Micro Effect Radio Network

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