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Illegal immigrants have become pawns in a very evil chess game to destroy nation states and move us into world government.

Illegal immigration affects everyone, and although there are enormous social and economic costs for everyone, they don't begin to compare with the immorality of using human beings as pawns in a global chess game to destroy sovereign nations while promoting totalitarian world government.

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Guest: Michael Cutler – graduated from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York in February 1971 with a B.A. in Communications Arts and Sciences and is a retired Senior Special Agent of the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service).  He began his 30 year career in 1971 as an Immigration Inspector… (more)

Guest: Christie Hutcherson – is the Founder/Leading Spokesperson of Women Fighting For America LLC, (WFFA) an organization promoting the role of women in American constitutional government.  She is an outspoken Christian and advocate for America's soul and moral compass in the Judeo-Christian foundation that undergirds the Constitution and Bill of Rights… (more)

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If the truth were known, the so-called liberal progressive protectors of the rights of immigrants, minorities and the underprivileged are the useful idiots of a very clever group of internationalist that see all humans as pawns in their global chess game to control humanity.  It is obvious to anyone with a brain that open border policies are being promoted by the same political traitors to the U.S. Constitution that promote Marxism, communism and globalism.

Stated simply, globalism will never work in a system that respects national sovereignty, private property, and individual rights. The only way that world government can possibly work is in a system of omnipotent, top down, egalitarian control by a very powerful few at the expense of the many.
A century of funneling our children through indoctrination centers for Marxist idealogues has so “fundamentally transformed” American education that most children buy the destruction of their freedoms……hook, line and sinker.  We have raised at least 3 or 4 generations of hyper-emotional feelers, not thinkers. Feelers are easily guided into policies that make absolutely no sense when looked at objectively.
America, the land of liberty and personal opportunity is being destroyed before our eyes by the useful idiots that now occupy the highest positions in academia, mainstream media, social media, the corporatocracy and political power.  Even the ones that know better are so cowed by political correctness that they are willing to support ideas that are diametrically opposed to mainstream American.
We all know that America is a land of immigrants. Our strength is in our diversity; not the convoluted social progressive diversity touted by leftist revolutionaries like Obama, Harris and Obiden, but the diversity of individuals willing to risk everything for the freedom to succeed by the sweat of their brow in a land of limitless opportunities.  They wanted to be Americans because of the opportunity and freedom that only the American republic afforded.
They came here to be true Americans, not hyphenated Americans.  They understood that success or failure would be on them; not because of limitless social programs to provide everything to them at someone else's expense, but because of their hard work, personal sacrifice, and desire to succeed.  That is a concept that limousine liberals and Marxist ideologues can't even fathom, much less accept. To them, immigrants become tools to further their political ambitions and use as bargaining chips for future favors and financial gain.
That is exactly why and how the International Power Elite are using unlimited
immigration to destroy national sovereignty and move the whole world into their socialist/Marxist/feudalist New World Order. With the willing assistance of progressive lap dogs and the other politically correct useful idiots that refuse to think with their brain, immigration has become the bane of humanity and an important tool for Globalists.
Who are the real losers in this Power Elite chessgame?  Just about everyone except the guys at the top pulling the strings and making big money off everybody's personal misery. Taxpayers are getting hosed with out of control social spending that estimates the cost of illegal immigration at well over 200 billion dollars per year, women and children are being trafficked and sold into prostitution/slavery in the tens of thousands every year, while over 20% of all felons in federal prisons are now illegals. Entire small communities and most major cities are being overwhelmed by gangs, drugs, crime and the sheer numbers illegals requiring social and medical services. Those who came here legally are questioning why they did it the hard way………..just like those who worked 2 jobs, studied and sacrificed to get a college education watch a limousine liberal idiot in the Whitehouse forgive everyone elses college loans at their expense.
This is definitely not the America that made us the envy of the world. Wake up America before globalists destroy what made America great!
Wake Up America

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