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This show we return to the subject of the Federal trials of the individuals involved in the Bundy standoff and the Malheur occupation.  Much has happened since we last reported on the Oregon Federal Court trial that led to the not guilty verdicts for most of the Malheur occupiers.

We have heard about a significant change in the policies of the Trump Administration, but the entrenched bureaucrats within the Federal Agencies and the trial Judges from decades of progressive administrations still hold most of the cards. More than ever, we are in the fight of our lives to retain private property  and Western livelihoods in rural America.  The collectivist mentality is being directly challenged, and they have shown that they will hold their gains all all costs.

Join us to hear about the courts, agencies, judges and defendants that are at the center of this critically important time in our history from someone who has spent much of the past several years on the ground and in the courtrooms in Portland and Nevada.

John LambJohn Lamb is a Farmer and Contractor from Southwest Montana who became concerned about the many attacks on private property and personal liberty by the Federal Government. He decided to learn more by attending the trials of the Malheur Defendants and questioning many of the ranchers and farmers losing their land and property rights in the effort to re-wild rural America by radical environmentalists, aided and abetted by the Federal land agencies. What he discovered went well beyond anything he had even contemplated. John has spent the last several months traveling throughout the West, and spent every day in the Portland courtroom listening to Malheur testimony and observing the evidence and courtroom procedures.

Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

Listen Live on The Micro Effect Radio Network

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