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a conservationist profile

The life and economic viability of American ranchers is very much in jeopardy since the administrative adoption of U.N. Sustainable Development (Agenda 21) policies by the Clinton Administration in 1993. Under these policies the new standard of ranchland ownership and use is the “Precautionary Principle” that assumes every action by man harms the environment, and that without overwhelming proof to the contrary, ranching and livestock industries must be severely restricted or eliminated. Private property and other traditional American values that are the cornerstones of freedom now take a backseat to Marxist ideals of “collective rights and environmental justice” espoused by communist Mikhail Gorbachev, the ex Soviet Premier and founder of Green Cross.

Please join Dan and his guests to discuss the future of ranching in America and how it really has little to do with saving the environment.

Jim WhiteJim White is the founder of NorthWest Liberty News. Although Jim spent a couple years as a radio host, his true love is video based, investigative journalism; which ties in nicely with his new project, “Operation Wildlife Rescue.” Jim lives in NorthWest Montana with his wife and 2 daughters.

Operation Wildlife Rescue

Northwest Liberty News Youtube



Cliff GardnerCliff Gardner is a rancher and historian, who has been involved in public lands issues for more than forty-five years now.

Having launched the Rural Heritage Preservation Project in 1984, Cliff has assembled, perhaps, one of the largest libraries containing historical and scientific evidence exposing the Fraud, corruption, and deceit which has been perpetrated by those working within our State and Federal resource management agencies to date.

Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

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