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Our children and grandchildren have become the targets of collectivists and their Malthusian programs to radically reduce human population and consumption.

Connecting the Dots Video

Guest: Dr. Shiela M. Furey – MD is the founder and president of the Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance, a non-profit advocating for informed consent, bodily sovereignty, and the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship. She attended Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska for undergraduate and medical school. She completed her Residency and Fellowship in Psychiatry and Child Psychiatry at Boston University. She has over 25 years of experience working in residential treatment, juvenile justice, inpatient and outpatient settings and is currently in private practice.

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The world has been blessed with an abundance of natural resources that have allowed humanity to advance in ways that would have seemed impossible several centuries ago.

At the center of these technological and social advances stood the United States of America with it's system of limited self government and unlimited opportunity for hard working/creative individuals with the desire for a better future.

Was the system always perfect? No, nothing ever created by man is perfect.

However, the American system took that into account by limiting government to the protection of individual rights given to us by God as unalienable rights, and forming our government as a republic under rule of law to protect and advance individual rights, not the law of rulers called “democracy” that manipulates majority (mob) rule.

Had the United States been formed under any other system, the world would be a quite different place today, and not for the better.

Why have so many of our elected leaders and the massive and growing administrative state worked so hard to end limited, constitutional self government?

Because it works,and provides the entire world with a much better quality of life. You say “Dan, that makes no sense; why would anyone want to lower quality of life worldwide?”

DUH………has anyone heard of Agenda 21/2030 and the Zero-Sum Malthusian flat earthers that demand UN inspired Global Governance called “sustainability” to limit human consumption, restrict economic development, and radically reduce population?

And why do you think they are working so hard to infiltrate our schools and poison our children's minds with Marxist nonsense that has failed every time it is tried?

Simply put; individual rights scare the crap out of collectivists and Flat Earth Malthusians because individualists aren't very easy to control and make collectivists look really stupid.

America's true national treasure and greatest resource is a well educated and intellectually curious youth with the freedom to innovate and think outside the box.

The genius of progress depends on future generations that learn willingly from prior generations through their failures as well as their successes.

This process is short circuited when history is rewritten to advance a political ideology and children are taught that emotions and feelings are more important than logic, fact or objectivity in reaching conclusions.

For the past 80+ years Frankfurt School Marxist trained educators have had an increasing influence on education in our universities, and more importantly, in our K-12 schools.

Our schools are the best funded in the world, but are failing to educate our children properly in the areas that matter most in an advanced industrial societies; science, math, reading, grammar, history, critical thinking and civics.

In academic ranking of the 50 most developed countries, Americans score usually in the lowest percentiles in virtually all of these subjects, and Federal programs like “No Child Left Behind” and “Common Core” have only made the problem worse by reducing or eliminating expectations to assure that nobody loses, everyone is a winner and everybody gets a prize.

Thus, many inner-city high schools are graduating 40% of their students that are functionally illiterate and cannot perform simple math problems above a third grade level.

Feelings have replaced logic and our schools have become Marxist incubators of social/ emotional learning and critical theory that teaches little of actual value; focusing almost entirely on why all human differences must be identified, magnified and eliminated for the “good of the collective”.

Individual rights are identified as a societal problem and labeled as selfishness.

Group think or “hive mind” is sold to young people as necessary and good for the advancement of a fair and socially uniform collective society.

Although hive mind provides little to advance innovation, our youth are told that innovation is a symptom of over consumption and must be stopped, lest we destroy the world.

The fact that industrial society has raised the living standards for all is lost to the hive mind of collectivists that have no concept of win-win but see life as a zero-sum game where there are winners only after there are losers.

The fact that Karl Marx as the ultimate collectivist was a satanic self-centered pig of a man who lived his entire life off the productive efforts of his capitalist father and uncle, supplanted by Frederick Engel's trust fund, and toured Europe in luxury while 2 of his children died of malnutrition in London, always seems to be swept under the collectivist rug.

The net result of all this nonsense is an even more egregious dumbing down of our culture and a rapidly shrinking American Middle-Class of educated and capable entrepreneurs.

As society decays and our youth become more detached from family relationships and moral/ spiritual absolutes; drug abuse, loneliness, gender fluidity, and suicide have become very dangerous influencers of American adolescence.

It's time for parents to challenge this insanity by attending parent/teacher conferences and school board meetings to voice their concerns. The foxes have guarded the henhouse for far too long, selling their Marxist/globalist worldview to an increasingly clueless society that is precariously close to losing our national sovereignty and the American way of life. We either protect our national treasure or we lose it………..which will it be?



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