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a global charity or slush fund for the Clinton Crime Family… You Decide!!

Today in America we face a crisis of leadership………..not from the Trump Administration, but from the shenanigans of the progressive socialists that have stolen administrative control of our constitutional republic and are attempting to form a Marxist shadow government.  At the center of this effort are Barak Hussein Obama, George Soros and the Clinton Crime Family.

Tonight our guests will address the Clinton Foundation and how the foundation was used to promote globalism, buy influence at the risk of national security, and provides a slush fund for family members and friends of the Clintons.  We will also discuss how the Left is using it's influence, power and money in their push for Global Government and to stop President Trump's efforts to re-establish our national sovereignty and return to the concepts that made America great.

Harvard MBA Guy Out to Bring Down Clintons

Clinton Foundation Charity Fraud

Charles K. Ortel serves as Managing Partner of Newport Value Partners, L.L.C. Newport, established in 2007, provides value-added research to executives and to investment firms. Trained in corporate finance, Mr. Ortel eventually served in a senior capacity within Dillon Read's corporate buyout department before leading Dillon Read's worldwide merger and acquisition group as a Managing Director. Mr. Ortel graduated from Harvard Business School with an MBA, and from Yale University with a B.A., cum laude.
Investor and writer, Charles is interested in economics, geo-politics, history, travel and just, lasting peace. He is the proud father of two fine young adults.

Donna Fiducia is an American media personality who worked in New York television and radio for 26 years.

Fiducia was hired by the Fox News Channel in New York in September 1999 as an anchor and live host. In 2003, she was reassigned to overnight duty where she was both a long-form and news update anchorwoman. In late 2006, she retired from The Fox News Channel and relocated to Georgia.

In 2013, Fiducia co-founded WDFP-Restoring America Radio, an Internet-based Conservative Talk Radio network. She co-hosts Cowboy Logic Radio with Don Neuen. Fiducia and Neuen partnered with Major General Paul E. Vallely and his organization Stand Up America US and are members of the Stand-Up America USA Kitchen Cabinet of Advisors.

Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

Listen Live on The Micro Effect Radio Network

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