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Connecting the Dots in the transfer of critical port facility management to hostile foreign agents… Treason at the Highest Levels of government.

The transfer of the management of key port facilities at Port Canaveral to Gulftainer a Middle Eastern ports company owned by the United Arab Emirates and the brother of the Iraqi nuclear weapons program chief physicist, Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar, was negotiated under extreme secrecy by the Obama Administration, and received virtually none of the oversight typical for critical infrastructure and U.S. national security.

Gulftainer is a subsidiary of The Crescent Group, a Middle Eastern company with ties to Obama through his former college roommates, and has spun off a number of layered subsidiaries that are now in the process of acquiring a projected total of 38 U.S. ports. Not to be left out of the money grab, former President Bill Clinton and The Clinton Foundation became actors in the “pay for play” of influence buying that became part of the Dubai Ports scandal.

Learn from two of the top national security experts and investigative journalists for The Center for Security Policy, how the whole process came together, and the potential security consequences for our nation.

Alan Jones is an investigative journalist who broke a series of national security stories at Washington Times Communities.

Mary Fanning is an investigative journalist who covers the Middle East and national security and was the lead researcher and author of The Betrayal Papers. Ms.Fanning is also the founder of the Coalition of Concerned Citizens.

Mary Fanning and Alan Jones conducted a 15-month investigation of the Port Canaveral deal.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

WikiLeaks Email Ties Apparent Clinton Pay-To-Play to Port Canaveral Deal with Family of Saddam Hussein’s Nuclear Mastermind

Sweetheart Deal Handed Port Canaveral’s Cargo Container Terminal to Family of Saddam Hussein’s Nuclear Mastermind


The Muslim Brotherhood is a fundamentalist Islamic organization recognized by many as the parent group of many of today’s terror organizations. While the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal is a worldwide Islamic State (aka, Caliphate), it has established influence over the highest levels of American government.

This revelation has become an indisputable fact for those who examine the evidence.

The Betrayal Papers is a six-part, research and multimedia campaign that presents this evidence. It demonstrates the incredible influence that the Muslim Brotherhood exerts over the Obama administration, many members of Congress, and on American policy foreign and domestic.

This series has been meticulously researched by a team of journalists, national security bloggers, and retired military operatives. All of the information contained in this critical and informative campaign is compiled using Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) best practices.

The Betrayal Papers: Below please find links to both print and audio versions of The Betrayal Papers.

The American Report ~ The Betrayal Papers~

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Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

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