Guest Host David Sumrall talks with Trennis Evans, who drank whiskey in Nancy Pelosi's office on January 6th, and Couy Griffin, who was arrested inciting violence with his calls to prayer. Couy spent 3 weeks in solitary confinement with the QAnon Shaman and talks about the conditions of the prison…
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David Sumrall
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I don't think you can prepare for what these guys have been put through.
We're talking about 680 plus days in jail before you ever get a trial, before you ever get your day in court. You haven't seen a family member for the first year. You couldn't cut your hair, shave your face, cut your finger nails or toe nails for a year.
Isolation 22, 23 hours a day for months…
The handwritten letters, they're awesome because they're so personal.
It's called The American Gulag Chronicles – Letters From Prison
It's the stories that only these men and women
who've experienced this can tell you in their own hand.
You gotta get involved. There's people out here drowning and it's really up to us to help them, to throw them that lifeline.
Help take some of that pain away for these kids…
2022 Christmas Project for the J6 Children
Get in the habit of writing letters back and forth with these people. You can go right now to
These guys are amazing. They're artists and writers,
educated and smart. They are not idiots…
They're just in a bad spot, and
they need their stories heard in a big way.