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Tomorrow’s program will look at the tragic world of AmaBhulu, the white farmers of South Africa who daily face a murder and violent assault rate that is the highest in the world, where violence and open racial targeting is being openly promoted by the communist ANC government and their elected officials.

Our guest will be: Dr. Harry Booyens, author, researcher and political writer.

The world of white farmers in 2018 South Africa is rife with constant fear for family and personal safety in a political climate that threatens the very existence of peaceful, industrious and resourceful settlers that made South Africa one of the most advanced agricultural cultures in the world.  The ANC government is openly communist and is creating a cultural and race divide that seems almost irreparable, a divide that is fueled by a total disrespect for rule of law and the cherished right to private property that was essential to the formation of the modern industrial country of South Africa.  South Africa went from a world class producer of agricultural commodities to a net importer of food, and is rapidly descending into a culture of subsistence farming and primitive tribalism that threatens the future of the entire population, both black and white.  What is the rationale for this obvious destruction of the economy and civil society?  Join us to learn more about the future of South Africa and sense the parallels to 21st Century America and the insanity of collectivist thinking that is like a cancer that threatens the entire world.

AmaBhuluThe Book

Harry BooyensHarry Booyens is an internationally recognized, multiple award winning PhD Defense & Aerospace physicist. He is originally from South Africa with a 360-year bloodline in that country. He has worked in Research and Development in South Africa, the United States, and Canada and has won a number of awards for his work in both Physics and in Genealogy. Harry describes himself as a semi-retired technocrat from the Hot Part of the Cold War. He applies his lifetime of research and analytical skills to History and Genealogy. His trademark as author is his combination of factual accuracy, solid evidence, and engaging writing style. Harry lives with his family on the forested slopes outside Vancouver in Canada.

Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

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