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Tuesday morning we will be doing interviews with Financial Analyst and Forensic Accounting Expert, Charles Ortel and National Security Expert, Mary Fanning to discuss the many treasonous and illegal activities performed by Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, the Obama Administration and a very ugly cast of characters in their camp.

Charles Ortel has been my guest on several radio programs over the past several years and has exposed the many illegal activities of the Clinton Foundation  that are only now being mentioned on the mainstream media.  Charles has done exhaustive research that proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the Clinton Foundations is little more than a money laundering operation to benefit the immediate family members and the Clintonista insiders in their entourage.

Mary Fanning will continue her exposé of the massive security breaches of our most sensitive facilities and how the Clinton State Department allowed pay for play access to our entire national infrastructure in exchange for large cash contributions to the Clinton Foundation.  We will revisit the lack of Federal oversight and favoritism that was given to foreign operatives  by the Obama Administration and in particular, the Clinton State Department.

Charles OrtelCharles Ortel is a private investor and writer who has been exposing multinational and nonprofit fraud since 2007, following a career in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions and investment management.

Since early 2015, Charles has been investigating state, federal, and foreign filings of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation as well as those of the many affiliates of that entity, which holds itself out as being a publicly supported charity. Based on his ongoing review of this evidence, Charles believes this network of charities is the largest unprosecuted and ongoing fraud in history, involving sums that may reach many hundreds of billions of dollars or more, counting presently known affiliates and donors as well as insiders who may have garnered illegal private gains through their involvement.

So far, Charles has appeared in two documentaries, Clinton, Inc. (2016), and one concerning “Fake News” that is in development.

No picture on Mary Fanning for security purposes. Thank you for understanding!

Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

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