Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Bureaucratic Regulation (The 4th Branch of Government)

…unelected, unaccountable, and increasingly uncontrollable Over the past century the control of government through rule of law passed from Congress to the President. Under our...

Dear President Elect Trump Part 2-message of freedom

a Thanksgiving Prayer and Message of Freedom Colonial America was blessed with the inspired leadership that created the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the...

Education Or Indoctrination

the refocus in American education During the presidential campaign, President Trump ran on a clear message of a return to local control of our schools...

America in Crisis …republic or democracy; which is it to be?

America is a Constitutional Republic not a socialist democracy. America, founded as a constitutional republic ruled by law, not men, has been transformed into a...


Are there different standards for the political class vs. average Americans? The prosecutorial pass given to Hillary Clinton by FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General...

The Gun Control Agenda

Is the doping of our youth by school administrators the cause and excuse for more controls? The recent school shootings have led to demonstrations and...

EDUCATING FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER – communism and public education.

Charlotte Iserbyt became President Ronald Reagan’s Senior Policy Advisor on Education with the original mission of shutting down the already entrenched Department of Education...

Communist Indoctrination in Schools

The public school system is being used by the radical leftist for political indoctrination, training young Marxist and brainwashing kids into the communist green...
Woke Education

How the Woke Education Gets Into Your Schools – Connecting the Dots

What Is Transformational Education and How Did It Get In Our Schools? Transformational Education: changes the primary purpose of education from teaching academic knowledge and...
Red Pill Expo - Because You Know Something Is Wrong...

Leading The Charge – why Red Pills matter

Have we become disenchanted from living in the Matrix?  Are we ready for something a bit closer to reality?   The shrinking American middle class is...

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